Spark! Pro series - 5th May 2022 Spiceworks Originals.But, today is a different holiday and you'll see a. Welcome to May 5th, everyone! Don't worry, you should see a serious downtick in the Star Wars-related content across the internet. Snap! Passwordless future, BEC scams, asteroid flybys, and World Password Day! Spiceworks Originals.I am paid well and get to work on a variety of things from infrastructure, workstations, ERP to CNC equipment. I am a one-person IT department for a manufacturing company. I have been in my current job for just over 30 years. Stay in comfort zone or take the leap? IT & Tech Careers.So I'm appealing to anyone who knows more about this stuff than I do, any more information you need I'll be happy to oblige. I've been Googling and trying to work out why this is happening but I really don't know where to start to be honest - If there'd been a change of some form I'd have something to go off but we've looked over it and there's nothing that jumps out. #806 - An incorrect user name or password was specified for the sending of a file to a file server or an incorrect destination was specified for the sending of an e-mail message or I-fax.

Nothing has been changed on our network or settings but somehow, when they repeated this at 18:15, the task failed throwing up the following error: Yesterday evening a user scanned a document at around 17:10 and received it by email with no problems. We have three Canon iR-Advance C5535 scanner / printers that scan and send via SMTP. Got an odd one here - Last night in the space of an hour the scan to email function for our entire office went down, with (as far as I can see) nothing being changed, and it's still down now.