Word displays the Footnote and Endnote dialog box.
#Ms word footnote numbering word 2016 pdf
Click on Close otherwise click on OK to insert a footnote mark at the current location. Microsoft Word Footnote Numbering Free PDF eBooks.Click on OK to close the Note Options dialog box.Change the Numbering area to reflect how you want Word to count your footnotes.Change the Start At value to reflect where you want Word to start numbering.

Word displays the Note Options dialog box.

Having that said please think about that statement.In Word, footnotes can be automatically numbered from 1 through the number of footnotes in the document. So it's definitely nothing Autodesk can do, please ask in Microsoft forums. if you get the footer and header then please let me know how you did it
#Ms word footnote numbering word 2016 full
Other test: try to get the full word document into MS-Excel. If you think it's really AutoCAD then try to start INSERTOBJand see what you get when you start this on a system that does not have MS-Office installed. When you start command _INSERTOBJ Autodesk only looks to which OLE handlers are installed, if you choose anyone (like MS-Word in your case) it's up to this handler to work with the data/the file you select, it's out of control of AutoCAD what it gets back from that handler. That statement is not really correct, Autodesk made it possible to use OLE-import functionality. > but forgets to include the footer and header? 2Click the References tab and, from the Footnotes group, click either the Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote command button. How do you add footnotes in Word 2010 1Click the mouse so that the insertion pointer is immediately to the right of the text that you want the footnote or endnote to reference. So autodesk made it possible to import word document Change the Start At value to reflect where you want Word to start numbering.